Mysteries of the Universe
She was a ‘bit of everything and a lot of noise’ her mom used to say but you could feel that all Alice wanted to be, was grown. By Lucie Pagé
Mysteries of the Universe
She was a ‘bit of everything and a lot of noise’ her mom used to say but you could feel that all Alice wanted to be, was grown. By Lucie Pagé
The Carnival
By Geeta Johal, Samuel glances over his shoulder and sees the moon spilling into the sea. He dusts his leather jacket, hides a gun under
Some Kind of Magic
By Ken Giesbrecht, I dreamt of you last night as I have so often this past year. It is the same dream It
The Gift
By Kairn Savage “Here, I want you to have this.” Ernie thrust the large, heavy box into my arms. It was the last thing I
Step Nine
By Nathan Perrin, Step 8: Made a list of persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. Step 9: Made
The Tea Leaves
By Mitzi Dorton The girls I knew in my high school fed off me like a tick. If they saw me with a cute guy,
By Charlotte Gutzmer, The needle sinks into the mounting board hot and precise as a bullet. I am slow and gentle when I fix the
Harriet and the Sparrow
By Jennifer Frost Rain fell on the roof of the cottage where Harriet lived with her parents. She sat at the window while they bickered
By Thomas Penn Johnson, Douglas Park was just at the bottom of The Big Hill at the West end of the block where Butch lived,
Dangers of Ice Fishing
By Emily Weedon, It was that time of day in winter when the sky turned pulsing royal blue in the oblongs of her kitchen windows.